Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sweet Memories / Excellent

Recently my mind was blown by something. I don't remember what it was that initially blew my mind, because that's not what is important. What is important is what having my mind blown reminded me of.
A certain Mr. W.K. played a major role in my getting pumped out of my mind about various things when I was in junior high school, and I'm made sad to say that I forgot about him for a few years. It made me even more sad to learn that some people only slightly younger than I have never even heard of the raw and needless excitement he can bring to nearly anyone!
And so, let us take a moment to remember him together...

May we never again forget.

Monday, January 19, 2009

No Kids, Please.

On Halloween of last year, we met three people playing songs together.
and Justin.
Nick was playing a keyboard, and singing, rather saucily.
Julia was playing two keyboards, one of which was serving as a bass. sweetly so.
Justin was laying down those phat beats. you know the ones.
I borrowed a video from YouTube to share with you.

Hopefully this makes you want to go here to listen more. I especially recommend the song "For Halloween," as it was the first one they played that night, and the one that stuck in my head the longest.


Thank You

Dear everyone/whom-ever,
My name is Joey. Setting this blog up is a step to fulfill one of my few new years resolutions:
To write more.

To share a bit about myself, I work in a restaurant called P.F. Chang's as a server of food and drink. I also find much joy in writing and playing music with my best friends in a band we've formed called Pomegranates. Together, we find much joy in driving around a lot, and not sleeping as much, in order to play these songs we've written together for people who we may or may not know already.
I believe we would all agree that the ultimate goal in doing this is to show joy to people. A specific joy that has been shown to us because of a certain someone called Jesus, the Christ.

With all of this said I hope to meet people here, and read cool things, and get better at writing, myself.

